IMG_0237Goodbyes are hard.

At its core, a goodbye is really just wishing someone well until you see them again. However, as you know, it’s much, much more than that. A goodbye symbolizes change. Your time together has ended. You are parting ways from each other and are headed off in different directions in life. You may not see them for a little while, or you may never see them again. This chapter, no matter how long or how short has concluded. Closing a chapter is hard, but closing a long chapter is even harder.

A goodbye is sending best wishes to those you are leaving behind. Letting them know  you are thankful for the impact they have made on your life. Letting them know you are thankful for the lessons they have taught you. The time you shared together was valuable. It changed you forever and you will never be the same person again. A goodbye is letting them know that they helped make you into the person you are today, even if it’s in the smallest, tiniest way. You are who you are because of them.

The time has come for me to say goodbye to the many, many people who have changed me and helped me grow over the past 11 years. I am not the same person I was when I met them. In my heart,  I hope they are not the same either. I hope I’ve had a positive impact on them. I hope I’ve changed their lives in some small, positive way.

I’ve arrived at a crossroads, a bridge to somewhere I’ve never been before and it is time for me to walk across that bridge.

Saying goodbye is never easy…saying goodbye is hard.

Farewell is beautiful
A glimpse into the future
Farewell is wonderful
It sets for Adventure

Goodbye is sad
A dive into the past
Goodbye is hard
It memories cast

For old faces must go
Yet new places to go

A chapter opened
And a chapter closed

Goodbye, Farewell – Poem by Kolabomi Adeko

Categories: Spiritual Writing